Feedback forms
HarjoitteluMylly currently uses two forms for collecting feedback regarding OBT. With the feedback forms, HarjoitteluMylly collects information about the OBT and how they are going. The forms are attached to the confirmation email sent when the OBT has been confirmed.
The “Apprentice Feedback” form is intended for the DTO. In the form, the DTO describes the apprentice and how s/he performed during the OBT. It is desirable that the apprentice is present when the DTO fills out the form. In this way, the filling out of the form becomes a feedback situation regarding the apprentice’s performance during the OBT. In order for each academy not to have its own feedback survey, HarjoitteluMylly acts as a central collector of feedback. The feedback is distributed to the OBT responsibles (in the academy). The feedback is part of the monitoring of the quality of OBT.
The apprentice fills out the form “Feedback from OBT”. In the form, the apprentice gives feedback on the vessel s/he did the OBT on. The apprentice provides feedback on the suitability of the vessel for OBT, on the guidance and instruction received, and on other relevant issues. The feedback from apprentices is part of the criteria for the “OBT-Ship of the Year” award.
Check here to see all OBT-Ship of the Year.