Frequently asked questions

You can always call or email Merenkulun HarjoitteluMylly, and we will give you an overview of the status of your application.

From time to time, there are more applicants than places available, and this can sometimes create a delay. HarjoitteluMyllys annual cycle often follows this: large numbers of OBT applicants in December, January, February and then again in the spring. There are less applicants during the summer time.

Each student is required to have a seaman’s passport. If you do not have a seaman’s passport, contact HarjoitteluMylly. In your profile leave the information on seaman’s passport blank.

It is the student’s responsibility to keep the documents up to date. When your passport, seaman’s passport or seafarer’s medical certificate is about to expire, you will need to renew it. It is not possible to start OBT without valid documents.

In the confirmation message you receive with the OBT- placement includes the contact details of the ship. The contact person listed in the message is the person you sign in your OBT contract.

Each time you change the start or end date in your profile, the date when you initially activated the application will change.

Other things can be edited in the profile without changing the date you activated the application.

All OBT via Merenkulun HarjoitteluMylly are unpaid.

When HarjoitteluMylly has a suitable OBT-placement for you, you will primarily be contacted by phone. During the phone call you will have received guidance on how to proceed. The same information will also be sent to you via email in a confimation mail.

When you have received an OBT-place, it is then your responsibility to contact the vessel or possibly the shipping company. The purpose of the contact with the vessel is to clarify all practical issues. The apprentice is informed of any timetable changes, when to be at the port of departure, how to find and move in the port area and whether the vessel will provide work clothes for the apprentice. At the same time, you can also ask for clarifications on other practical issues and you will have the chance to introduce yourself.

You must have a valid OBT-contract before you start the OBT. The practice of the maritime academies regarding the OBT-contract may vary, so be in contact with the onboard training supervisor at your academy.

More information here.


If you end your OBT early, contact HarjoitteluMylly. The interruption of the OBT will be marked in your profile and notified to the academy.