The OnBoard Training – Computer Based Training


Install and download the OBT-CBT program like this:

* Download the file to your computer from NauticAi Oy’s server from THIS LINK 

* Click the obt-cbt Setup 1.0.0.exe file to install the program

* Follow the easy instructions on the screen (Next, Next and Finish)

* The program opens automatically and is also installed on the desktop

* In the future, the program can be opened directly from the desktop icon, it does not need to be   installed again from the exe file

Note! The program does NOT save any data, which means that if you close the program before you’ve finished, you’ll have to start over.

The program has been made as a downloadable offline version, so that it is possible to download and run it onboard even without an internet connection.



The training program is planned by a project of all the Maritime Academies in Finland and HarjoitteluMylly. Several shipping companies, Traficom and Seafarer’s pension fund have also contributed to the project.

The OBT-CBT is aimed for the supervisors of the apprentices onboard, but it is recommended for all the officer in the Finnish merchant fleet. This is because in practice everyone onboard is somehow taking part of the apprentice’s training, and because the program also includes sections that are valuable for everyone onboard.

We hope you enjoy the training! It takes you about 1 hour to complete and it is designed to be interesting and interactive.


Check list for vessel’s DTO

Check list for vessel’s DTO


HAKE3 Project

Improving the quality of onboard training has been emphasized by domestic and European supervisory authorities. The quality of onboard training significantly impacts apprentices’ training experiences and their first impressions of working on a vessel. It also has a strong impact on apprentices’ decision to remain in the field and complete their studies. This is why the Hake3 project was launched in 2023.

All Finnish maritime schools, the Seamen’s Pension Fund, several shipping companies, and Merenkulun HarjoitteluMylly have participated in the project. The most significant output of the project is an interactive computer-based training (CBT) program, which is about an hour long. In addition, the OBT instructor’s manual has updated in the project in co-operation with Traficom, including the rules of which determine the acceptance of the OBT. Based on the findings from discussions during the project, checklists have also been created for vessels, students, and shipping companies to help monitor the entire training process from start to finish.