What is supervised onboard training?
Obtaining a vocational qualification in seafaring requires skills and know-how. These competencies are achieved when completing supervised onboard training (below “OBT” or “supervised OBT”) in an authentic working environment. The purpose of the training conducted onboard, is to carry out practical tasks and to acquire the know-how necessary to practice the profession in its proper operating environment.
The criteria and arrangements for OBT as part of a degree in seafaring are determined in the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW). Guidance for the tasks to be performed during the OBT is found in the International Shipping Federation (ISF) – The On Board Training Record Book.
General objectives of supervised onboard training
OBT is a mandatory part of the student’s studies, but also a good way to clearly demonstrate what work on ships demands. The student should strive to take the most out of the OBT as it provides a learning environment where the student truly can acquire the skills and know-how necessary for the seafaring profession. It is to the student’s advantage to do the OBT on different types of ships. Versatile OBT in different environments, on different ships, promotes learning and professional development.
All OBT-periods on Finnish vessels in international traffic are allocated via Merenkulun HarjoitteluMylly.
The Merenkulun HarjoitteluMylly, or shorter only HarjoitteluMylly, (in spoken everyday language simply “Mylly”) is an agency for maritime students in Finland. Students at Finnish maritime educational institutions (below, “maritime academy” or “academy/academies”) can apply for OBT from HarjoitteluMylly, www.harjoittelumylly.fi. To apply for OBT, the student must register in the HarjoitteluMylly database, and carefully complete the application form and personal details. OBT allocated by HarjoitteluMylly is unpaid.