Survey on discrimination and unfair treatment on Finnish ships

Do discrimination and unfair treatment occur aboard Finnish merchant ships? If they do, what form do they take and how should they be handled? A survey on this issue is being conducted as part of the thesis for Captain-to-be Jussi Nieminen, who is studying at the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk). The survey will be sponsored by the Seafarers’ Pension Fund and will focus on active seafarers in the Fund’s register.

The online response questionnaire will be sent electronically to a sample of those included in the Fund’s register, but every active seafarer will also have the opportunity to respond to the questionnaire through the link in the news article on the Fund’s website. The questionnaire will be open for responding from 3 July 2023 until 21 August 2023. The results of the survey will be presented in the year’s final Albatrossi magazine and at the annual maritime work ability forum to be held on 21 November 2023. 

Three cruise vouchers and smaller prizes will be raffled off among the respondents.

We would like to thank, in advance, all those who respond to the survey! – Seafarers’ Pension Fund and Jussi Nieminen

More information about the survey:

Link to the survey: