Work hard, rest well

Seamen’s Working Hours Act § 9 b (296/1976) and (151/2001). Special provision concerning young employees:

  • Employees under 18 years of age shall be given an uninterrupted daily rest period of at least nine hours.
  • Young employees shall not be made to work between 24.00 and 05.00, except to conduct learning tasks that are part of the young person’s training.


As a rule, the apprentice follows the same working hours as other crew members on board. Statutory rest periods needs to always be met:

  • An employee shall be allowed a rest period of at least ten hours within each 24 hours (daily rest period). The daily rest period may be divided into no more than two parts so that one of the parts continues uninterruptedly for at least six hours. The interval between consecutive rest periods must not be longer than 14 hours.
  • During each period of seven days, an employee shall be given a rest period of at least 77 hours.
  • Breaks of less than 30 minutes are not included in rest period referred to above.

HarjoitteluMylly and the academies have together compiled recommendations for apprentices’ working hours. Apprentices’ working day should be about 8-10 hours. Time that exceeds 8 hours of daily working time should be devoted only to essential learning tasks, such as mooring, anchoring, or participating in safety drills.

Students must be at least16 years old to participate in OBT.

Seamen’s Working Hours Act § 9 b (296/1976) and (151/2001). Special provision concerning young employees:

  • Employees under 18 years of age shall be given an uninterrupted daily rest period of at least nine hours.
  • Young employees shall not be made to work between 24.00 and 05.00, except to conduct learning tasks that are part of the young person’s training.

